DC Power Line Undergrounding
KDM has been retained by the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia as a third-party technical consultant for the joint Pepco/DDOT Power Line Undergrounding Plan (DC PLUG). KDM performed a technical review of the engineering issues comprising the DC PLUG Second Biennial Plan to confirm that the engineering sections of the DDOT and Pepco Joint Application comply with the Undergrounding Act (D.C. Code § 34-1313.08). KDM reviewed all documentation, which included the Second Biennial Plan and its appendices, testimony included with the Joint Application, the Pepco responses to the Office of People’s Counsel (OPC) and PSC Data Requests on the Joint Application, OPC Comments, Washington Gas Light (WGL) comments, and Pepco Reply Comments on the Joint Application.
The technical reviews of the engineering sections of the Application consist of findings and conclusions, as well as recommendations as deemed appropriate. Topics in the DC Code requirements that were reviewed included: ranking of overhead feeders, selection of feeders to be undergrounded, outage metrics, feeder descriptions, equipment to be undergrounded or removed, parallel feeders, equipment remaining overhead, planned improvements, new technology and distribution automation, interties, and load analysis. KDM also reviewed the Pepco/DDOT 90-day Compliance filing, the electrical design for feeder 14900, and schedules for implementation. Future anticipated work includes review of feeder civil designs, additional feeder electrical designs, and the Third Biennial Plan.